The object of the game is to come up with 10 words that start with your letter and explain why. If you want to play and don't have a letter I'll be happy to give you one just leave me a message.
Anna gave me my letter.
Mother: Being a mother is the most important job I have. I love every minute of it. I thank my own Mother, even though she passed away when I was a child, for teaching me to never take anything for granted and cherish every moment you have with your children. They truly are a gift from God.
Man of my dreams: I am so lucky to have found him early in my life (we are high school sweethearts), and I wouldn't trade him for anything. He is also the best Dad in the world. He gets bonus points for being a stay-at-home Daddy for Abigail. What a lucky little girl!
Magnum: We have a 2005 Dodge Magnum and it is the coolest car we have ever owned. It is nice to have a car that both you and your husband like.
Manning the rails: I love seeing a ship pass by with all of the sailors standing topside. This is usually done when you leave and return from deployment. It is a very emotional time- you are heartbroken when you have to leave your family and you keep your eyes on them for as long as you can, but when you come home there is nothing like finding their face in the crowd.
Movies: Any genre, any location.... love to watch 'em.
Music: My favorite kind is R&B, hip-hop, and pop. We listen to music all the time at home. Abby is the best dancer in our family :) My favorite song right now is Over My Head(Cable Car) by The Fray.
Marathon relays: Ran one last weekend and had a blast. The real thing is too much for me, but this was just enough to feel the energy of competing in a race. It is also cool because you know that you aren't going to win and you won't finish last, so there isn't any pressure. You can just enjoy the run....unless it is 90 degrees, then you enjoy the people that squirt you with waterhoses as you pass by!
Mornings: I am not a night-owl by any means. Mornings are definately for me. I love breakfast food, especially french toast- yummy. I also like the smell of morning breath- not mine or Quintin's, but Abigail's. She isn't old enough yet to have bad breath, so it smells really sweet.
Maryland: That is where we are moving to this summer and are really excited. We will have four seasons! Imagine the concept. We are also looking forward to all of the great roadtrips. Definately going to take advantage of the location.
Malls: Need I say more?