Sunday, October 15, 2006

Breakfast with the Ducks

This morning before heading off to breakfast, we decided to swing by and feed the ducks. We had a loaf of bread that was a little too stale for sandwiches, but the ducks didn't seem to mind it. After a few minutes a seagull spotted us and called the rest of his friends over....gotta love those seagulls. Abby had a great time. She was saying, "Here you go, buddy!" as she was throwing the bread.

Keeping the environmentalists at bay!

We've found a way to keep the environmentalists off of our backs for driving a huge SUV. We've rented out our wheel-wells to any squirrel that needs a much needed break from the cold winds of fall!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Our Little Artist

Abby has always liked drawing, but lately she has started drawing people. This picture is of our family. From left to right it is Daddy, Mommy, and Abby. Too cute!

Dance Class

Abby started dance class a couple of weeks ago and really loves it. It isn't a ballet or tap class, but rather a cute mix of kid songs like the Hokey-Pokey and the Bean-bag Rock. We were lucky to find a class that meets on Saturday mornings. Once she turns three she can move into the ballet and tap class, if she still wants to dance. I think she will because she really loves music.