Tuesday, July 29, 2008

7 month old.......

Today Adrianna is 7 months old.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Little crawler

Adrianna is starting to crawl around the house and it is funny to see her moving. She only crawls around going backwards and spins around on her stomach to change directions. As you can see from the picture of the girls Adrianna started off on the blanket and backed up to were Abigail was.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Our New House

A couple of weeks ago we went house hunting and purchased a townhouse in Virginia. It is great because it has a Master Suite upstairs and down, is located next to a huge lake and has walking trails throughout the property. It is also located about 9 miles from the Naval Station.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Summer Training

During the summer the new plebes arrive at the Naval Academy and go through training for 6-weeks. Some of that falls to us in seamanship and navigation. We teach them about line handling, how to be a lookout on a ship, and the basics in damage control like firefighting and pipe-patching. Friday I had to take a group up to Baltimore on the YP so they could go to the Damage Control trainer there. It is funny because it only takes about 30 minutes to drive to Baltimore, but it is 4 hours by YP. Quintin and the girls met me on the pier when I got back. You might not be able to see me, but I am waving from the bridge wing.