Monday, January 26, 2009

Disney Character Brunch

Sunday Abby and I went to the O' Club for a character's brunch. Even though it wasn't authentic- like at Disney World- we still had a great time. She wore her new Cinderella dress she got for Christmas and looked so pretty! The face painter was really good and Abby decided she wanted Bolt. She really liked the ongoing battle between Peter Pan and Captain Hook. They kept chasing each other around the room and sword fighting.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

One of her new favorite things to do is push around the baby stroller. She can barely see over the top, but that doesn't stop her from running all around the house!

Adrianna likes to make this face when she is getting into things she shouldn't doesn't work, but she sure is cute!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Jack is back!

We are so excited that 24 starts tonight. We have missed the show for the past year and are glad it is back.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Kung Fu Master in Training....

Today Abigail started her new Karate class. Today was an introductory day so it was just her and another child learning some basics. Abigail had so much fun and she was so excited to earn her white belt.

And she's off....

Last night, to our surprise, Adrianna started walking! We were sitting in the living room and I had just finished reading bedtime stories. Quintin was on the floor with Adrianna and she was holding his hands- and then she wasn't!! She didn't just take one or two steps, but more like five or six! We were all cheering and clapping for her and she was just beaming. I ran and got the camcorder and we recorded a little. Don't mind my shaky camerawork or squealing- It was an exciting night!

Friday, January 02, 2009

Hula hoop challenge

Everyone likes to play the Wii- even Adrianna. Abby was playing her princess game and Adri thought she was waving her wand too!

Santa brought us the Wii Fit for Christmas and it is a lot of fun. One of our favorite games is the hula hoop, and Q and I have a little competition going on. Right now he holds the record, but I am close on his heels....or hips!! Here is a picture of his Mii breaking the high score!