Friday, April 23, 2010

Abigail turned six today!

We took Abigail to Bush Gardens for her birthday and we all had a great time. Happy birthday Abigail.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Swim lessons for Adrianna

Adrianna has had a great time during her swim lessons. She can blow bubbles and is very comfortable, even on her back! We sing the cutesy little song in class to the tune og I'm a little teapot:
I'm a little pancake on my tummy. I'm a little pancake nice and yummy. I'm a little pancake on my tummy, just flip me over just like that!
I'm a little pancake on my back. I'm a little pancake nice and flat. I'm a little pancake on my back, just flip me over just like that!

Adrianna loves that part and she makes a good little pancake!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Trip to the Zoo

This weekend was so nice we decided to take the girls to the zoo. Spring is great- cute dresses, pretty flowers, warm weather arrives - the only downfall is all the pollen!

Don't they look so cute walking and holding hands?

Friday, April 02, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt at Abigail's school.

Today was Abigail's easter egg hunt for school. She had so much fun and collected the most eggs in her class- 33! But then just to be fair they gathered all the eggs back up and everyone went home with 13! It was a fun day!

Adrianna had so much fun cheering Abby on.