Saturday was Abigail's sibling preparation class. She had a great time. They talked about being gentle with the baby, learned to change diapers and swaddle, and even made a toy tester and a card for the baby. Then we took a tour of the birthing center so she could see where Adrianna is going to be born. When we told her we were going to take the tour, she thought that we were going to actually have the baby. She was really excited, but we had to remind her that it won't be until after Christmas. I am sure it seems like forever to her.
Today was picture day at school. Here is a shot of her before we left the house. I can't wait to see how the pictures turn out.
I'm the Officer Rep for the women's tennis team at the Academy, and we had all 12 of the girls and coach over for dinner on Thursday. It was a lot of fun. We even had "tennis ball" cupcakes- yummy! Abigail wanted to make goody bags for all of them, since no party is complete without them, according to a three year old. They all really enjoyed getting a little break on a night they wouldn't normally be able to leave. We played the Wii- tennis of course! I actually beat coach, who was an All-American in her college days. Abby also had fun playing Wii Boxing. It was a great night!
The trees have been changing with the arrival of the cooler weather and we decided to go out and take some pictures before the opportunity passed. Afterwards we drove into DC to check out the wax museum. It was a lot of fun. We were able to touch and pose with all of the figures. Abigail said that Tiger Woods was her favorite!