Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Time to hit the books

I am officially a grad student as of yesterday. I am pretty excited about it. It has been five years since I graduated, so hopefully it won't be too hard to start again. Lucky for me I have had to study for a lot of different qualifications associated with my job, so that part shouldn't be too hard. I am only worried about a couple of things. One is that I have to re-orient my writing style to that of a college student. The military has a unique style, much shorter and choppier than usual, which was hard for me to get used to at first. The other thing is the program I am in is through the Naval War College, so I am worried that I will be surrounded by much senior officers who have way more experience than I do. Guess I will have to wow 'em with my sense of humor! :) No, maybe not the best idea- better just study hard. The funny part is that the first class that I enrolled in cost more than one whole semester at SDSU! Good thing Uncle Sam is picking up the tab. They did tell me that if I fail the class I have to pay it back, so I'd better not fail. My class starts July 3rd, so I have a little time to goof off before it's time to get down to business.


Amadeo said...

Congrats too! I actually kinda like school. Shhh, don't tell. :)

utmommy said...

I'm planning on going back to school next year, once my last little one goes to Kindergarten.