We took a short trip to DC this past Saturday. On our way to the Aquarium we walked by the White House. It was early so there weren't that many people out yet. The nice part about typically touristy places is that there are always people who offer to take family pictures for you.
The Aquarium was pretty nice. They had some really neat fish that we had never seen before. It was kind of small, so we decided to go to the Natural History Museum. That was the best part of our whole trip. The place was huge! Abby really liked the 3D African Safari IMAX we saw. It was cute because she kept reaching out in front of her trying to grab things, and then she would lift up the glasses to see what was really going on! I think her favorite part of the museum was the Mammal section because they had the animals as they would look if they were alive. The other parts of the museum had mostly fossils and casts, but she still enjoyed looking at everything.

Friday Quintin had lunch in DC with a friend that he had in California who now lives in the area. They ate at this pub, which is the oldest pub in DC (we walked by it again on Saturday). They met the First Tailor, Georges de Paris, who has custom made suits for Presidents for more than 40 years. Quintin has a hard time understanding people with any kind of heavy accent, and he said this man had a very thick French accent, so he didn't get everything he said. The pub also has a spot reserved for the First Lady- apparently she comes in all the time.

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