Thursday, December 14, 2006

That time of year....

Well, I have successfully completed my first semester of teaching. The only thing I have left to do is finish grading almost 100 final exams. It is taking me about 15 minutes to grade each one.....if the midshipmen hasn't gotten too many wrong. I am going to try to have them done by tomorrow afternoon, so I can enter their grades and not have to worry about it next week when I am on leave. Lucky for me I will be busy writing two papers for grad school. One shouldn't be too bad, but I just found out the other day that the 12 page paper that I have to write for my second class is 12 pages- single spaced!!! Who asks for single spaced papers anyway?! So, needless to say much of my spare time over the next few days, and sleep time for that matter, will be devoted to paper writing. Of course we will take time out to celebrate Quintin's 28th birthday this Sunday. Not sure what we are going to do yet, but I am sure we'll have fun.

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