Thursday, January 18, 2007

Fun last weekend

This week has been pretty busy so it has taken me a while to get this post ready. Last Sunday we went to DC again for a nice quiet morning. It was so much fun. We parked by the Capitol Building and walked all the way to the Lincoln Memorial. It looks a lot closer than it actually is, and Quintin's leg was pretty sore after we were done. Sunday mornings are nice in DC because there aren't a lot of people out yet. We saw some cute ducks in the pond in front of the Capitol, and also some of the cherry blossom trees were already blooming. I guess that is what happens when the weather is so warm. Abby had the greatest time playing with steam from a vent at the National Monument. It was a great day- we love going to DC!

1 comment:

Lana said...

fun pictures. I want to take my kids there some day to see the sites.