Wednesday, June 27, 2007

One on the way!

As you might have noticed from the new ticker we added to the top of our blog, we are expecting our second child in early January! We are all very excited. Abigail loves to tell everyone that her Mommy has a baby in her belly. I have been a little nauseas this time around, which was a change because I had nothing at all with Abigail. Right now Abby wants a baby sister- "No me want a baby brother!" she says. We are trying to convince her to be happy to have a healthy baby, no matter the gender, but she isn't buying that one yet. Oh, and the funny part is that the baby's name is going to be "Baby sister" too! We'll have to work on that one...


Amadeo said...

Ahhhhh!!! I'm so excited for you!!!

Lana said...

yeah! Congratulations!!!