Thursday, December 27, 2007

Our Christmas

Now that things are much calmer, and no more contractions, I can finally put all of our Christmas stuff on the blog. We made cookies for Santa on Christmas Eve and I think Abby had more fun playing with the flour than anything else. Thankfully, even though it gets everywhere it isn't that hard to clean up.

As most little ones do, ours woke up early (5:45) and was ready to see what Santa brought. This year she asked for a scooter and a jack-in-the-box. Not sure where she got the idea for a jack in the box, but because it was kind of a last minute addition, "Santa" had a hard time finding it, but finally came through in the end. We also found this really neat toy that is called the eyeclops. You plug it in to the tv and it has this handheld "eye" that magnifies things 200 times and then projects the image onto the tv. We have been having a great time looking at everything with that. Her favorite is her belly button.

It was a great morning. Pretty much right after we finished opening presents, she asked if the baby was coming. We have been telling her the whole time that the baby would be here after Christmas, so to her that meant right after we opened presents, I guess. That was when the braxton hicks started to get much stronger and we really thought the baby was going to abide by her big sister's schedule. But, we all know she chose to wait a little longer.

I didn't get to make the ham and other yummy food I had planned, so we had a fun time trying to find something to eat for dinner that night. Needless to say, it was the first Christmas that we ever had chinese food for dinner!! Wonder if we will get to have the ham on New Year's? I think I should probably make it sooner, just in case. It doesn't have to be a holiday to have wonderful food...maybe tomorrow.

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