Wednesday, March 12, 2008

No more shots please!

Yesterday was Adrianna's 2 month check up and she is doing great. She is now 12 1/2 pounds ( 1/2 a pound away from double her birth weight) and 21.6 inches long. She is growing well, but for now she is much shorter than her big sister was. Her weight is in the 75th percentile, but her height is only in the 25th, where as Abby was 95 plus for both. She is so cute though because she has the smallest little feet....I love little baby feet. It is so fun to see the differences emerging.

She also had to get three shots in her chubby little legs. I know they are important, but I hate when they have to get them. They also gave her some oral vaccine for the Rotovirus and she didn't like the taste of that- she threw up when we were in the waiting room afterwards, but the nurses said that it wouldn't affect the immunization. While I was getting her shots Quintin went to pickup Abby from school and then brought her in to get her second flu shot. She was scared and started crying before she even got the shot! Afterward she got a ton of stickers, and everyone knows stickers make everything better!! She used to be okay with shots, but since she had to have blood drawn for the lead testing last year she has become much more anxious. She was precious though because when I told her Adrianna had to get some shots too she was very loving to her and said that she was sorry she had to get shots and sorry that her legs hurt! She is such a great big sister!!


Anonymous said...

Getting shots is always a workout for everyone. I hate when they have you hold your child, and then the baby is looking at you for the rest of the day like you are a bad parent for letting the people in white clothes hurt the little one.

Love Mom

Anna said...

Oh my gosh! Look at those cheeks!!