Wednesday, January 30, 2008

One month old

Adrianna turned 1 month old yesterday. She is such a wonderful baby and we all are having a great time getting to know her. She is quite stubborn and isn't taking to the bottle very well. I go to class on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings for my master's (which I finish in May- yeah!!) and she has been giving Daddy a run for his money. She takes the bottle eventually, but not without giving him a little fight. We are going to try to give her a bottle more often so hopefully she gets better with it. Abby was very picky at first too- I think we went through about 10 different bottle/nipples before we found one she liked. Abby's teachers told me that she loves talking about her little sister. What cuties!!


Anonymous said...

The feet photo and the video are too cute. The two of you could do a side business of photo taking. Adrianna is such a happy and blessed baby.

Love Grand Ma

Lana said...

that feet photo is so cute!