Thursday, February 28, 2008

Back to work....

Yesterday was my first day back at work. Everything was fine when I left the house and took Abigail to school. When I dropped her off, one of her old teachers saw me and asked how I was doing and asked about Adrianna. That was when I got upset. It was strange because I thought I was okay- I mean she was at home with her Daddy and I work practically right across the street. It is still hard though, but she had a great day. Quintin told me she only cried for about 5 minutes the whole day and she took her bottles really well. It was funny because when I came home for lunch she was really quiet until she saw me and then she started crying because she wanted to nurse. It is amazing how quickly they learn. Abigail was also really glad that I could take her to school again. I wasn't doing it when I was at home because it was easier for Quintin to take her on his way to work, but she prefers me. It was also hard yesterday because I had class last night, which made my day a little longer. At least I am almost done with school so I will have all of my evenings back to spend with my family!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Janice, you are such a wonderful Mom. My grand daughters are blessed to have you.

Love Mom